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Forums/ Routers
a week ago
WAN IP Alias / Port forwarding / WAN IP Alias / "source port already exists"
Hi, I have a WAN connection with several public IPs (28 subnet). I have configured the WAN2 like: IP: 82.216.XXX.242 SM: GW: 82.216.XXX.141 I then added all IPs (like 82.216.XXX.243,...
Forums/ Controllers
2 weeks ago
Re:Port forwarding / WAN IP not shwoing in list/overview
@Vincent-TP No. I am taking about this listing: As our (single) WAN connection is a 28 subnet we have 14 alias IP addresses that we can use/assign. But I just see "WAN2". Period. No information about...
Forums/ Controllers
2 weeks ago
Port forwarding / WAN IP not shwoing in list/overview
I am currently trying to configure a gateway. The WAN connection has a 28 subnet with 14 usable IPs. I can configure portforwarding for them under "Transmission" / "NAT". But in the overview of all...
Forums/ Routers
2 weeks ago
Re:WAN IPs via routed subnet
@Honkman In fact, we need to configure 4 different WAN subnets on one WAN port whereby on subnet is the "main" subnet. Even using "WAN IP Alias" seems not to be possible as solution as all my 3 IP...
Forums/ Routers
2 weeks ago
Re:WAN IPs via routed subnet
@Clive_A And, for completeness, we had to bridge two WAN ports on the Fortigate to achive that. In fact, the Fortigate (virtually) works as two routers (VDOMS). C
Forums/ Routers
2 weeks ago
Re:WAN IPs via routed subnet
@Clive_A We have on WAN port. Several (three) IP pools. But the specific issue is, that the IP pools are routed to the main IP of the WAN connection and that this IP is not part of the pools....