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Forums/ WiFi
2019-07-28 20:49:35
Re:Re: Maximum SSIDs
Thanks for the replies. As I can only add three with security settings, and any number without, there is clearly something amiss. Any suggestions please? Howard
Stories/ WiFi
2019-07-27 11:50:07
Taking over a network with existing APs
I recently took over administration of a school site that had five EAP225 APs installed. Unfortunately the previous sysadmin had not documented anything, and I mean anything, so it was a hard slog...
Forums/ WiFi
2019-07-27 11:28:39
Maximum SSIDs
I cannot add more than 3 SSIDs using Omada. I have updated to the latest version and still have the same problem. I was under the impression you could have more than this but maybe not? Howard
Forums/ WiFi
2019-07-27 06:58:25
Omada Problem
I have five APs controlled by Omada and they are in a group for their settings. At present they have three SSIDs and I wish to add a fourth. However, even though I can fill in all the necessary...