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Forums/ Routers
2025-01-21 09:35:14
Re:ER-605 SNMP Interfaces
@Clive_A Okay, that means I don't have to query both, just one and then have the value for both WANs. Any idea why one shows it as an upload and the other shows almost exactly the same thing as a...
Forums/ Routers
2025-01-21 08:54:50
Re:ER-605 SNMP Interfaces
@Clive_A Both WAN ports are in operation. The load balancer is also set up. The command above then displays the output as in the previous post. I hope this helps.
Forums/ Routers
2025-01-21 08:35:18
Re:ER-605 SNMP Interfaces
@Clive_A They are almost identical, it is also the case when both wan ports are active and go via the balancer, it is exactly the same as in the pictures. Is that normal?
Forums/ Routers
2025-01-21 08:04:02
Re:ER-605 SNMP Interfaces
@Clive_A Thanks for the answer, I have the problem even though I only have one wan port occupied, it shows that both have traffic, what's wrong with that? An idea?
Forums/ Routers
2025-01-21 05:52:43
Re:ER-605 SNMP Interfaces
@Clive_A Hello, thanks for the quick answer. This means that if I have two WAN ports occupied, I can check via eth0 and eth1 which one has how much upload/download and that for the two individually?...
Forums/ Routers
2025-01-20 13:24:26
ER-605 SNMP Interfaces
snmpwalk -v 2c -c public iso. = STRING: "default/lo" iso. = STRING: "default/eth0" iso. = STRING:...