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Forums/ WiFi
2025-01-16 03:14:07
Re:Eap 225 disconnected
@Vincent-TP How often will the disconnect issue happen? A week or 2 How did you power on the EAP? Through POE that comes in the box of eap When the issue occurs, will all clients be affected at the...
Forums/ WiFi
2025-01-15 08:30:48
Re:Eap 225 disconnected
@Vincent-TP Yes the clients is also disconnected But if i restart the eap, it will work again just fine
Forums/ WiFi
2025-01-14 16:24:55
Eap 225 disconnected
My EAP225 keep disconnecting from time to time, when i check the device its ON l, the green light is still on... Updated firmware and everything