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Forums/ Controllers
2024-12-10 19:30:50
Re:Help with VLANs and Routing Some VLANs to Bypass VPN (ER7206 + Omada)
Thankyou for the response, it's a big help. So it isn't currently possible with wireguard. Would it be possible if I use OpenVPN instead? This is also an option with my VPN provider.
Forums/ Controllers
2024-12-08 17:57:59
Help with VLANs and Routing Some VLANs to Bypass VPN (ER7206 + Omada)
Hi everyone, I’m new to networking and diving into Omada for my home setup, so bear with me if this is a noob question! I’m running an Omada software controller with an ER7206 router and an EAP610...