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Forums/ Routers
2024-12-11 20:30:08
Re:static route between 2 ER8411
Can I setup a ipsec between the 2 routers without going over the internet but using a straight ethernet cable instead? I tried, but the tunnel doesn't connect; I gave Wan/lan10 on both routers a...
Forums/ Routers
2024-12-07 10:37:35
Re:static route between 2 ER8411
@bambinotenchie i probably made it sound too complicated. There's 2 seperate networks, one in each building. Imagine I have an ethernet cable between them. I want to connect both sides with the cable...
Forums/ Routers
2024-12-07 00:19:36
static route between 2 ER8411
I have 2 buildings with each their own oc400, ER8411 and own ISP (static ip pool). I have an wireless connection between both buildings. How would i got about connecting both networks? I take it I...