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Forums/ Controllers
2025-01-16 07:35:40
Re:Why is there a limit of 5 subnets on an ipsec tunnel?
@MR.S So I define another Tunnel on one end only with the same psk and local/remote id and same endpoint?
Forums/ Controllers
2025-01-15 15:24:53
Why is there a limit of 5 subnets on an ipsec tunnel?
Since the omada controller - for no reason - does not support fqdn ednpoints in wireguard, I had to evade to ipsec site to site tunnel. But the ipsec tunnel limits - for no reason - the number of...
Forums/ Routers
2024-12-12 12:29:31
Re:Omada ignores static routes?
The hop destination was behind vpn.I din't route all the necessary IPs through this vpn. So delete this thread.
Forums/ Routers
2024-12-09 13:44:07
Omada ignores static routes?
I have a functioning omada setup with gateway switch and eap. For security reasons som IPs must be routed through an extra gateway. So I set up a static route let's say next hp...
Forums/ Routers
2024-12-02 13:09:25
Re:Omada - Route from one VPN Tunnel to another
@RaRu I need a client to side road warrior setup. And I can deploy L2TP per configuration profile directly to a mac. I didn't get IKE2 to work with omada and evrything else needs additional software...
Forums/ Routers
2024-12-02 10:37:16
Re:Omada - Route from one VPN Tunnel to another
@MVZ_MUDr_C - I kind of resovled it for me. I defined the address pool for the l2pt clinets inside the local network. It worked. I'm not satisfied with this but it works. I probably need to place the...