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Forums/ Controllers
12 hours ago
Re:Do I need another OC200 controller on second site?
Thank you! Very helpful!
Forums/ Controllers
12 hours ago
Re:Do I need another OC200 controller on second site?
@MR.S what do you mean by, something happens to the VPN? Of course there can be an outage, but will it not reconnect, when connectivity is established again?
Forums/ Controllers
12 hours ago
Re:Do I need another OC200 controller on second site?
Thanks for the answers! One question, if the VPN tunnel drops for some time, the branch site will work as configured, correct?
Forums/ Controllers
19 hours ago
Do I need another OC200 controller on second site?
Hi, I want to build up a second site and connect them both via VPN. My main site is already controlled by a OC200. Do I need another one on the other end, or can this be done through the VPN tunnel?...
Forums/ Routers
a week ago
Can I make a QoS for one client?
Hi everyone, I am now full TP link Omada at home. I am working from home office and today, one of my kids was downloading, while I was in a call. Needless to say, the quality of my call was inferior....
Forums/ Requests & Suggestions
2024-12-30 15:50:07
Re:Feature request: Easy Managed switch should collect client IP and report to the controller
@Cepheus0815 actually I removed now my easy switches and bought smart ones.