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Forums/ Routers
2024-11-08 15:09:22
Re:How to have Wireguard enabled on a single WAN interface in multi-WAN mode?
@Clive_A Thanks for your feedback, even if I am kind of stuck now... The key point in my case is indeed to have WG used only when I use WAN 2, which is in my router setup, when WAN 1 is down. I was...
Forums/ Routers
2024-11-05 00:50:00
How to have Wireguard enabled on a single WAN interface in multi-WAN mode?
Hi, I am using an ER605 as the main router on my home network in a multi-wan setup. -wan 1 is connected to a fiber internet modem -wan 2 is connected to a 5G modem wan failover in is place: only wan...