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Forums/ Routers
2024-11-25 16:36:20
Re:So ... still no Option 66 and 67 on ER605?
@Clive_A What model and firmware do you use? Have you made sure they are on the latest firmware? I'm currently on the following setup: TL-R605 v1.0 - 1.3.1 Build 20231207 Rel.61384 On containerized...
Forums/ Routers
2024-10-31 10:33:34
Re:So ... still no Option 66 and 67 on ER605?
@Clive_A Solution you say? Also accusing customers of ignorance isn't a very nice move but anyways. I'm not running in standalone mode, like everyone else using more than 3 devices probably is. Yes,...
Forums/ Routers
2024-10-30 21:06:43
Re:So ... still no Option 66 and 67 on ER605?
@Order66 I'm in need of this as well. It didn't take long to find 3-year-old threads about the missing options. Unfortunately, it seems like they didn't fix this all this time. How does it come that...