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Forums/ Routers
2024-10-30 20:03:26
Re:Unable to access VPN client LAN in router over SSL VPN SERVER in router too.
@MR.S Just to confirm that I'm going in the right direction, the local IPs indicated in the OpenVPN client configuration, do you also have a VLAN already created which contains this range of IPs?
Forums/ Routers
2024-10-30 19:47:25
Re:Unable to access VPN client LAN in router over SSL VPN SERVER in router too.
@MR.S MR.S wrote @Raphyraphy you should not use openvpn pool that overlaps with any of your LAN, put a random 10.xx.xx.xx ip pool on vpn. you have to do that on both of your vpn servers. To change...
Forums/ Routers
2024-10-30 17:50:40
Re:Unable to access VPN client LAN in router over SSL VPN SERVER in router too.
@MR.S My VPN client So i tried with But not working, very strange
Forums/ Routers
2024-10-30 16:13:54
Re:Unable to access VPN client LAN in router over SSL VPN SERVER in router too.
@MME MR.S wrote @Raphyraphy I did a test here, an ER707-M2 with SSL VPN server and the same router has an OpenVPN client for some remote networks. when I connect to the SSL VPN with my PC, I only get...
Forums/ Routers
2024-10-30 15:14:08
Re:Unable to access VPN client LAN in router over SSL VPN SERVER in router too.
@Clive_A In addition to my answer just above, here is the routing table of my router, the one that contains pretty much everything, my vlans, my VPN client and my VPN server.
Forums/ Routers
2024-10-30 14:59:37
Re:Unable to access VPN client LAN in router over SSL VPN SERVER in router too.
@Clive_A @MR.S Thank you for your help, sorry I am well aware that my diagram is not a "professional" diagram, here is a new version which I hope will be clearer, I removed what seemed not useful for...