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Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
a week ago
Tplink archer mail log - Delete mail credentials?
Hi, how can I delete mail credentials in Systen log- mail log? i dont need it anymore router does not allow leave them empty
Forums/ Routers
2 weeks ago
er605 fails to import .ovpn config *413 Request Entity Too Large
HI, i cant import certificate (from tplink archer ax23 router) to openvpn client in omada er605 when I click import it hangs (tryied chrome and edge browser)
Forums/ Routers
2 weeks ago
Re:Why does no router support ARP Spoofing Defense in Controller mode?
@Clive_A Okay, now it looks like this: Router tells me about suspected attack. but why it is telling arp to attacker device? now get foreigh device, set sny IP from ARP MAC-bindig list and watching...
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2 weeks ago
Re:Archer C64 SMARTCONNECT problems
@terziyski ive tried all firmwares and betas. changed tramsmit power, ap modes, mesh no mesh all the t8me clients are on 2.4ghz. smartconnect dont work on c64 and c80 tplink just closing threads and...
Forums/ Routers
2 weeks ago
Re:Frequent latency spikes and packet loss, every 30 seconds.
@Ralf-Leseratte Try enable Flow control , it saved me ping loss with some isp gpon terminals,
Forums/ Routers
2 weeks ago
Re:Why does no router support ARP Spoofing Defense in Controller mode?
@Clive_A Thanks for reply. On windows PC with mac(E0-D5-5E-CC-DC-3A) I assigned in windows network settings static IP ( is another device and it has entry in ER605 ARP IP-MAC...