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Forums/ Requests & Suggestions
2024-11-28 02:49:44
Re:API - Incorrect Voucher Usage Duration
@Techone I think that would be a new authentication type. Would be better if the usage duration for the vouchers can be fixed.
Forums/ Requests & Suggestions
2024-10-16 02:38:21
Re:API - Incorrect Voucher Usage Duration
Thank you @Vincent-TP. I have a working time tracker, it works perfectly fine for vouchers that are set to expire By Time, the one that has issue is the By Usage vouchers. The Omada API returns an...
Forums/ Requests & Suggestions
2024-09-27 02:43:08
Re:Realtime Monitoring
@AmanSaroha I have created a custom monitoring system that can implement this feature. https://prnt.sc/wzbEJ7GKGrev
Forums/ Requests & Suggestions
2024-09-27 02:33:59
API - Incorrect Voucher Usage Duration
Hi, I'm working on a custom client monitoring system that uses Omada API. It's already working however the time tracking for vouchers with pause or By Usage is incorrect. The time still runs even if...
Forums/ Requests & Suggestions
2024-05-16 10:23:01
RE:Anti tethering
This will be a great feature. Badly needed.