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Forums/ WiFi
3 weeks ago
Re:EAP 225 connect to trunk port on switch
@Houseofdreams_, yes all of the settings are wiped so be sure to make a backup. It's not practical to import the network device settings into the controller because in an SDN a lot of the...
Forums/ Routers
3 weeks ago
Re:multi-SSID, new SSID not showing up
@antondd, I think steps 1-3 in this doc should cover what you need. You actually did step #4 already, but that's not a problem. The doc covers a more complex scenario, so don't let the intial diagram...
Forums/ WiFi
3 weeks ago
Re:Random Access Points disconnect from controller
Are the AP's using DHCP? Maybe a lease renewal issue?
Forums/ Routers
3 weeks ago
Re:multi-SSID, new SSID not showing up
Hi @antondd, In the Edit Wireless Network setup, the Device Type needs to have "Gateway" checked if used on a router and "EAP" check to use it on an Access Point. Once created, you can't edit the...
Forums/ WiFi
3 weeks ago
Re:EAP 225 connect to trunk port on switch
@Houseofdreams_ to put the AP on the MGMT vlan, make VLAN 70 untagged OR leave it tagged and set VLAN 70 as the management VLAN in the AP's configuration. I'm also curious why you defined MGMT as an...
Forums/ WiFi
3 weeks ago
Re:Need Guidance....Network HW Options
@mogold, I think you may have two different issues and you may not need to invest in more hardware to get things working. Garage Door Openers: If these never connect and they're closer to the AP than...