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Forums/ Feature Request (Extenders)
2024-01-02 06:46:17
Re:Easy/One Mesh doesn't extend IoT and Guest networks
@__Nikolay__ Hi I just asked the same question & apparently it's an issue with mesh routers not giving the required hidden SSID the extenders require. I've since found multiple feature requests on...
Forums/ Feature Request (Extenders)
2024-01-01 21:54:36
Re:TP-Link IoT Network on mesh extender
@woozle ah it's not me then thx. Mesh doesn't even work with a guest network? Seems a bit of an obvious flaw when their website says how it "provides uninterrupted WiFi throughout your home". Don't...
Forums/ Feature Request (Extenders)
2024-01-01 16:50:37
TP-Link IoT Network on mesh extender
So I just bought an RE300 dual band mesh extender to replace my old N300. Unfortunately despite checking my C7 router supported one mesh it turned out I needed v5 hardware & mine was v4 :( No...