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Forums/ Cameras
2025-01-06 05:53:51
Regarding VIGI app for Android, iOS
Interested to know about the future of VIGI apps for Android and iOS. 1. When can we expect Dark Mode? 2. Any plan for Tapo 3.0 App like redesign? Since the current app design is kind of classic. 3....
Forums/ Cameras
2024-11-25 15:53:40
Re:VIGI model name confusion + Need some assurance
Hi @Clive_A Clive_A wrote The new name of the insight and easy cam is just released, not long time ago. So I quickly uploaded that naming format in case anyone got confused. They are the same. Like...
Forums/ Cameras
2024-11-25 04:39:14
Re:VIGI model name confusion + Need some assurance
Thanks for the explanation! @Clive_A Actually I found another thread (InSight vs EasyCam) regarding model name confusion just after posting this. Also a KB (TP-Link VIGI Surveillance Naming Format)...
Forums/ Cameras
2024-11-24 04:42:51
VIGI model name confusion + Need some assurance
Noticed that some VIGI cameras look identical and even their specs look similar, but the model name has some difference and some of them has different hardware versions with different updated...
Forums/ Video Recorders
2024-03-06 09:54:58
Re:VIGI NVR4032H (V1) Face Detection w/ Non-Face Capture VIGI Camera
@Clive_A Clive_A wrote At this moment, face capture requires face-capture-supported cameras. Will this feature come to the NVR via firmware update that enables face capture analysis for...
Forums/ Video Recorders
2024-03-04 15:25:26
Re:VIGI NVR4032H (V1) Face Detection w/ Non-Face Capture VIGI Camera
@Clive_A @Leeland