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Forums/ Routers
2023-11-20 10:20:05
Re:ER605 v2.0 Wireguard setup
@wilcomir90 Same issue here. Wireguard routing is not ok. Ping from the Wireguard client until the ER605 ip is ok , but can't reach any other LAN clients. Ping not ok. VPN with IPSec works like a...
Forums/ Requests & Suggestions
2023-11-20 08:51:15
Feature request : Radius 2FA/MFA Authentication for Client-to-Site VPN (Ipsec , Wireguard , OpenVPN)
Hello, In order to have Omada router equipment to be adopted in a business/enterprise environment as an alternative to Unify ,Meraki or PFSense ,please consider implementing the feature for Radius...