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Forums/ Controllers
2024-12-16 01:39:38
MSP Customers migration
Hi all, Sorry if this question was previously aborted, but i don't see anything about site migration between customer organization in MSP mode. My request is the same of this one :...
Forums/ Controllers
2024-11-10 12:38:55
Re:Omada SDN Controller_V5.15.6.4 Pre-Release Firmware(Released on Oct 18th, 2024)
@Omadauser200131 Hi, Same issue for me, the only way to proceed is to create another user with admin profile and it's work fine
Forums/ Requests & Suggestions
2024-01-23 18:36:14
Site model
Hi, For a verry large controler is time consuming to do each site configuration Can we have an site model with some custom base configuration for Quick déploiement ?
Forums/ Software Service
2024-01-22 07:04:50
Vigi VMS Cloud not working
Hi, We Want to start the vms cloud connections but it's seem ont possible , We open all port to try but still Nothing The VMS si installed on an Windows 2019 Server, NTP is set and Windows & VMS are...