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Forums/ Controllers
2 weeks ago
Re:Hardware Controller (Built-in Omada SDN Controller V5.15.20.26) Pre-release Update on 13th Feb 2025
@GRL @Vincent-TP I can confirm that I experienced below two issues also on my OC300: "1 - The controller was extremely, agonizingly laggy. Freezes. Stutters. Complete loss of communication for...
Forums/ Controllers
2024-10-28 23:07:46
Re:Omada SDN Controller_V5.14.32.2 Pre-release (Updated on Oct 28th, 2024)
After installing update from 1.25.3 Build 20240620 to 1.26.5_pre-release on my OC300v1 I received startup fail error and was not able to upgrade properly. I've got collected logs and can share If...
Forums/ Routers
2024-01-19 10:04:18
Re:ER707-M2 - increased download from Xbox hang PPPoE connection
@Virgo There is no possibility to connect directly gpon ont to Xbox - it's not supporting PPPoE connection. I will try to get some other router and try to reproduce this case. I tried to reproduce it...
Forums/ Routers
2024-01-18 18:57:26
ER707-M2 - increased download from Xbox hang PPPoE connection
After switching to ER707-M2 I'm experiencing strange situation during downloading huge (~30GB) updates for games, but only on Xbox Series X. Download using PS5, PC/MAC is not generating this...
Forums/ WiFi
2023-12-12 19:31:37
Re:EAP670 throughput - Download slow
I'm experiencing exactly the same issues on my EAP670 with fw 1.0.12. After downgrading to 1.0.6 everything is working normally.