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Forums/ Routers
Re:ER7206 - fail over doesn't
@xpancadax I like that you keep trying , kudos I gave up while ago and chalked it up to terrible programming from the development team Prosumer grade hardware boxed as Enterprise grade
Forums/ Routers
2024-11-13 12:05:21
ER7206 - fail over doesn't
Hello everyone I have two internet feeds coming in, one primary att fiber , and one secondary cable Internet from Xfinity The att box is a router itself and when it loses Internet service it self...
Forums/ Routers
2024-02-01 11:05:49
ER7206 - fail over doesn't.
The firmware was just updated last night to this release so I haven't tested with this version yet, however I was having issues with the fail over not seeing when the primary Internet was down. It's...