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Forums/ Range Extenders
a week ago
Re:TL-WA855RE as access point
@woozle yep all in the same range. Just almost that when you change it to AP mode it disables ping
Forums/ Range Extenders
a week ago
Re:TL-WA855RE as access point
@woozle yeah it's for a static IP but I can't ping it or access it through the Tether app after changing it to an AP although it does appear to be working
Forums/ Range Extenders
a week ago
TL-WA855RE as access point
My WA855RE has proved to be unreliable as an extender so I thought I would try it as an AP but little bit confused. I log into the URL and change the mode to AP and reboot. Cabled plugged from AP to...
Forums/ Tapo Smart Camera
2024-09-01 11:49:59
Re:Solid orange light
ok quick follow up. I've just rebooted the camera again, although it's still -75 RSSI, the ping average has dropped from 1016ms to 21ms so RSSI can't have anything to do with it. The response has...
Forums/ Tapo Smart Camera
2024-09-01 11:45:39
Re:Solid orange light
@Solla-topee Right so it's just dropped back to orange again so I took the opportunity to grab the sdcard. I have noticed looking at the data on the card that the log is dated 29/01/24 despite having...
Forums/ Tapo Smart Camera
2024-08-19 11:45:54
Re:Solid orange light
@Solla-topee I've turned off my TP Link extender so it's back on the main router as is the plug but still got the orange light