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Forums/ Routers
2023-04-08 17:54:14
Omada shows WAN Link Down but normal internet access
I have a pretty straightforward Omada system with an OC200 controller, ER605 gateway, SG2008 switch, and seven EAP225s. It is running well and is stable. The gateway is reporting the WAN status as...
Forums/ WiFi
2023-04-04 02:11:33
Re:EAP245v1 not compatible
@shberge - Appreciate the quick info but disappointed. Thanks for your help.
Forums/ WiFi
2023-04-03 02:28:43
EAP245v1 not compatible
I have a functioning Omada network with an ER605v2 gateway, SG2008v3 switch, an AC200 controller, and a bunch of EAP225 APs (indoor v3 and outdoor v1 + v3). The firmware is up-to-date on all of them...