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Forums/ Deco
a week ago
Re:How to use Deco with two ISPs?
I changed the DECO from wifi router to AP mode and it seems to have resolved this issue. Keep fingers crossed.
Forums/ Routers
a week ago
Re:ER605 slow/sluggish/lagging browsing
@AllenAnderson I changed the wifi router to AP mode which seems to resolved the issue.
Forums/ Deco
2 weeks ago
Re:How to use Deco with two ISPs?
@David-TP This is a thread I started to discuss this issue. DECO worked as wireless router. The failover works fine. My issue is...
Forums/ Routers
2 weeks ago
ER605 slow/sluggish/lagging browsing
They locked the old thread for this discussion. I am starting a new sthread to continue. old post: I have exactly the same issue....
Forums/ Deco
3 weeks ago
Re:How to use Deco with two ISPs?
@David-TP I used ER605 to set up failover. But it does not work very well. I started to have intermittent issues with my main ISP.
Forums/ Feature Request (Deco)
3 weeks ago
Re:Deco as dual-wan router
@MBMoreira I need this feature.