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Forums/ Controllers
2024-07-12 15:03:28
Omada Controller shows Private LAN as Public IP after update
Hello, i recently updated my Omada Controller (Linux) to Now the Gateway shows the Public adress the same as the internal Gateway adress. Seems like an issue. Rebooting the Omada CTRL,...
Forums/ Routers
2023-07-09 07:30:32
Re:ER605 V2 Firmware 2.2.0 -> description?
Nice Update TP-Link. Still weak OPENVPN Protocol. Still no acls based on VPN Servers / Clients possible. No Multiwan possible (with port routing)... Good job, still a chinese 10 $ product... What did...
Forums/ Routers
2023-04-05 08:27:11
Re:Dual WAN Seperate NAT Paths Not Working
Nobody cares for a business product. This is gonna make some really bad reviews! I feel like i bought something from alibaba.
Forums/ Requests & Suggestions
2023-04-05 08:26:41
Re:[SEC] - OpenVPN as Interface for ACLs
Nobody cares for a business product. This is gonna make some really bad reviews! I feel like i bought something from alibaba.
Forums/ Requests & Suggestions
2023-03-29 10:37:09
[SEC] - OpenVPN as Interface for ACLs
Hello, i have enabled openvpn Server (seems to be an old version btw with AES-128-CBC....) with two clients. For security reasons i want to set ACLs so that one user can only access a limited number...
Forums/ Routers
2023-03-19 12:43:20
Re:Dual WAN Seperate NAT Paths Not Working
BTW: Policy-Routes LAN -> WAN will route traffic over the wan iface u specify, without any problems.. Analysing their WONDERFULL shell codes -with nearly no comments in it- atm. with openwrt sources...