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Forums/ Routers
2023-02-06 21:37:00
Re:ER8411 VPN Client broken
@Fae Yes i am on the latest firmware which was barely worth releasing don't you think ? I don't know what your development department is doing but you are destroying any potential omada has...
Forums/ Routers
2023-02-04 12:54:23
Re:ER8411 VPN Client broken
Hi, no not really i did have a response but all i was told was that it will be added in a future firmware with no ETA at all. TP-Link seems to be dropping the ball with the omada product line, you...
Forums/ Routers
2023-01-19 17:55:02
Re:ER8411 VPN Client broken
I have opened a ticket with businness support so will see if i get any answers !
Forums/ Routers
2023-01-19 12:10:53
Re:ER8411 VPN Client broken
Yes correct although it does not work regardless of whether i use tcp 443 or udp 1194. Other end is is openvpn server currently, tried with another (remote) omada device and vpn provider too. I am...
Forums/ Routers
2023-01-19 09:49:27
Re:ER8411 VPN Client broken
I tried openvpn client to site but that does nothing as far as i can see, also the option for only setting that vpn for select ip's rather than the whole lan seems to be missing too. Used controller...
Forums/ Routers
2023-01-18 20:21:41
ER8411 VPN Client broken
So i have had the new ER8411 for a few days and most things seem to be working ok except a big one is the lack of vpn. Controller will allow you to create a new vpn and configure and even save but it...