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Forums/ Requests & Suggestions
3 weeks ago
RE:Disable NAT on the routers (i.e. TL-ER605 and TP-Link TL-ER7206)
it is necessary to connect more gateways at different sites in oc300 in local LAN without internet
Forums/ Routers
2022-09-14 09:05:40
Re:Omada Hardware controller oc300 fails to upgrade device connected in different sites
@Virgo YES . i have checked this post: IT did not work ALso my https port in controller side ER7206 is open and working. I...
Forums/ Routers
2022-09-10 13:26:18
Omada Hardware controller oc300 fails to upgrade device connected in different sites
HI i have two created sites in omada oc300 . Both sites is connected through AUTO IPSEC VPN My network is ER605 (1) v 2 ---- Internet ---- ER7206(2)----Omada Controller v5.4.7 Both router is...