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Forums/ Routers
Re:Omada DHCP SRV constantly assigning IP addresses
Hi @Clive_A No, the problem still hasn't been solved, and it applies to multiple customers. I opened a TpLink support ticket about this 6 days ago and I still haven't received an answer. According to...
Forums/ Routers
Re:ER605 OC200 WAN Static IP can not be set if prior used
@Marc3485 It's crazy to leave these customers without a solution. I'm a Tp Link partner and support keeps me going round in circles, even though I've already provided all the information, they manage...
Forums/ Routers
a week ago
Omada DHCP SRV constantly assigning IP addresses
Hi, A number of users are reporting problems with the wifi network, as they are experiencing untimely disconnection. This mainly concerns Chrome OS & Mac OS devices. I can't see any configuration or...
Forums/ Routers
a week ago
Re:ER605 OC200 WAN Static IP can not be set if prior used
@Marc3485 Hi, Has a solution been found for this bug? Because it is very restrictive. I encounter the same problem with a controller software and my ER7206 v2.0, it is impossible to select...
Forums/ Controllers
2024-03-13 16:57:10
Re:Purple WiFi - Portal SSL
@Daniel-G95 Hi I've also been on this topic for a while ( For the moment we have not found a solution, according to TP Link support, "For...
Forums/ WiFi
2024-02-07 15:33:54
Https certificate let's encrypt portal Wi-Fi hostpot unrecognized
Hi, I am unable to use the captive portal with https certificate and custom domain name support. When we are on the captive portal connection page it uses the IP address of the server on which the...