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Forums/ Deco
3 weeks ago
Re:Ethernet Back haul Query
@jijookhier Thanks. I also have an ER-605 as the main router. What if I plug 4 Deco's in the 4 LAN ports and set them up like with Dynamic IP (like I do with my other routers) without a need of...
Forums/ Deco
3 weeks ago
Ethernet Back haul Query
Hi. I have a quick question. Instead of connecting My Deco's in chain via ethernet (One deco to another) Can I connect all the Deco's to a single switch? If I do that than can they find and connect...
Forums/ Requests & Suggestions
2022-12-03 06:13:26
Make Omada Devices EasyMesh Friendly
Make Omada Devices EasyMesh Friendly
Forums/ Requests & Suggestions
2022-11-27 16:17:43
EasyMesh on ER605 and Omada devices
EasyMesh Function for ER605 and similar Omada devices so different vendor's access points can be Meshed. Thank you
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2022-11-21 09:27:47
EasyMesh Update Is Live !
Forums/ Feature Request (Others)
2022-04-04 10:25:03
Re:[Range Extender] OneMesh Supports Ethernet Backhaul
@Solla-topee +1 Using One Mesh on Archer A6 and C6 with the help of RE220's. Would love Creating a One Mesh network with the help of Ethernet Backhaul for faster connectivity.