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Forums/ Controllers
2024-10-30 08:55:57
Re:cant adopt ER7412-M2 V1.2
@Vincent-TP Hi Vincent, Yes, the newer beta worked a treat, successful adoption and all working as it should so far. Thank you for replying,
Forums/ Controllers
2024-10-29 23:03:56
Re:cant adopt ER7412-M2 V1.2
Just found the early access V5.17.32.2 adds v.12 I'll give it a try.
Forums/ Controllers
2024-10-29 22:32:28
cant adopt ER7412-M2 V1.2
I've just received a new ER7412-M2 V1.2 router and I cannot adopt it using the OC200 controller. It tells me the device model is wrong, to go to internet settings and change the Gateway model, but...
Forums/ Controllers
2023-03-20 10:46:26
R605v1 IPSEC VPN and Android
Starting to lose the will to live with this. I'm just trying to get a simple client to site VPN setup for use with Windows and Android. I have an OC200 controller connected to the R605 v1 router (ie...
Forums/ Routers
2023-02-14 17:35:07
Re:ER605 v2.0 IPSec/ IKEv2 Client-to-Site VPN not working on Android
@andy1102 I'm having issue just getting as far as connecting, for remote host if I enter to allow connection form any IP I get the following message "This IPsec VPN policy has the same IP...
Forums/ WiFi
2021-12-29 13:59:56
Re:EAP235 Wall Android phone bug
@Olipoppin Thanks for your reply, mine went back, currently using a spare 225, which, with exactly the same settings as I tried the wall ap with works a treat, it's just not very neat ( I have to use...