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Forums/ Controllers
2 weeks ago
Re:VLAN Not Assigned
@Vincent-TP in authentication i have setup ssid with this vlan tag but this vlan is showing to some users and other user didnt having my vlan tag but ip range is showing correct.. using latest...
Forums/ Switches
2 weeks ago
Re:ACL Filtering in TLSG2428P and OC 200
@A_Mansoor by doing this it is blocking my portal landing page from where the user have to connect to the internet via local user id password
Forums/ Switches
2 weeks ago
Re:ACL Filtering in TLSG2428P and OC 200
@Clive_A so how do i prevent user to acess my router , controller switch ip address ?
Forums/ Switches
2 weeks ago
ACL Filtering in TLSG2428P and OC 200
I have Mutiple portal for different users and the SSID is open so anyone can connet but they have to pass the Portal auththication to access the internet.. so that i have notice is that when a device...
Forums/ Controllers
2 weeks ago
Re:VLAN Not Assigned
@A_Mansoor yup devices are getting the same vlan ip which i created but vlan is showing blank even today i have refreshed but some of them getting vlan tag as per this ss is 20 .. im using oc200 with...
Forums/ Controllers
2 weeks ago
VLAN Not Assigned
Dont Assign any vlan to maximum user where as some of them have vlad id.