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Forums/ Routers
2015-06-01 20:48:51
Re:VPN IPsec Lan to Lan / TL-ER6020 to TL-R600VPN HS
= SITE 2 <-> SITE 1 ok = SITE 3 <-> SITE 1 ok = CONF SITE 2 <-> SITE 1 (ok) & SITE 2 <-> SITE 3 (hs) WTFFFFFFFFF....
Forums/ Routers
2015-06-01 20:24:58
Re:VPN IPsec Lan to Lan / TL-ER6020 to TL-R600VPN HS
Hello,Thank you for your help but I can not do that . I am remotely. Why would I do that, it's supposed to work and it works with equipment D-Link ... Today I took the tests because I have no answer...
Forums/ Routers
2015-05-06 20:54:41
Re:VPN IPsec Lan to Lan / TL-ER6020 to TL-R600VPN HS
thank's for your help
Forums/ Routers
2015-05-06 16:57:23
Re:VPN IPsec Lan to Lan / TL-ER6020 to TL-R600VPN HS
it does not work... :(
Forums/ Routers
2015-05-05 14:21:57
Re:VPN IPsec Lan to Lan / TL-ER6020 to TL-R600VPN HS
I uploaded the pictures on the forum. No I have not contacted the support. Mail is more complicated than on a forum.
Forums/ Routers
2015-05-04 15:18:40
Re:VPN IPsec Lan to Lan / TL-ER6020 to TL-R600VPN HS
SITE 1 to SITE 2 : SITE 2 to SITE 1 : the problem is between site2 and site 3 Configuration SITE 2 to SITE 3 : Config SITE 3 to SITE 2 :