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Forums/ Routers
2023-12-18 21:20:22
Re:Split Tunneling for L2TP VPN Client?
@MR.S Strange indeed! With wireguard, I have no problem whatsoever. I have full control of all the devices on the remote site. My only issue with wireguard is that it uses IP Address not FQDN for the...
Forums/ Routers
2023-12-18 20:54:19
FQDN in Wireguard Peer Endpoint parameter?
Hello! Is there any plan on using FQDN instead of IP Address in the Wireguard Peer Endpoing paramter? Both my endpoiints are DHCP from my ISP. Thanks. I like wireguard because my iperf from local to...
Forums/ Routers
2023-12-18 14:28:49
Re:Split Tunneling for L2TP VPN Client?
@MR.S Yes, I tried the ipsec LAN-to-LAN and I got connection. But my cameras from the remote location don't show video to my local IP Cam viewer even though they respond to my telnet to their...
Forums/ Routers
2023-12-18 03:37:10
Re:Split Tunneling for L2TP VPN Client?
Update: My big problem with wireguard is that in the ER605 Peer setup, it doesn't allow me to enter a FQDN on the Endpoint parameter! It only takes IP Address! I did a search for "DDNS for wireguard...
Forums/ Routers
2023-12-17 23:13:48
Re:Split Tunneling for L2TP VPN Client?
@MR.S I just completed the peer-to-peer using wireguard between my two locations and it is truely faster than the OpenVPN, and, much much faster than the dog L2TP. My iperf statistics is 17.4 Mbits...
Forums/ Routers
2023-12-17 18:50:25
Re:Split Tunneling for L2TP VPN Client?
@MR.S Thanks. I will experiment on wireguard.