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Forums/ Routers
2024-11-10 13:04:55
Re:Common Questions About the Hardware Version and Firmware Update
@brightwolf You shouldn't need to (ie: site should work with all browsers), but it will work if you add #Firmware after the final / in the URL and hit return. In case you aren't aware, # is Option +...
Forums/ Routers
2024-03-12 22:51:39
ER7212PC router behaving badly, so I set up entire LAN again - here's what I found
Like others here, I was experiencing a lot of the issues mentioned in various threads, such as DHCP reservations being ignored, and the "The configurations of device ER7212PC are different from the...
Forums/ Routers
2024-02-28 11:45:23
Re:Common Questions About the Hardware Version and Firmware Update
@Clive_A I have managed to get my LAN back where it needs to be, but currently without ACL entries or IP-to-MAC bindings, and I am performing further small changes (with settings backups beforehand)...
Forums/ Routers
2024-02-26 18:19:12
Re:Common Questions About the Hardware Version and Firmware Update
@Clive_A I can confirm that in the ER7212PC, the V1.6 firmware upgrade is (probably) not compatible with hardware V1.0. I upgraded my V1.0 device with the V1.6 firmware after reading the text below...
Forums/ Routers
2024-02-21 15:26:00
Re:"The configurations of device ER7212PC are different from the configurations from the controller."
@gerba Of course, and thanks for the link to the other, already-running thread about ignoring DHCP rules.
Forums/ Routers
2024-02-21 12:50:37
Re:"The configurations of device ER7212PC are different from the configurations from the controller."
@Clive_A Just to confirm that I tried making changes (remotely through the cloud) and specifically waiting for the "Succeeded" banner, and that seems to work with no Force Provision error, but I have...