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Forums/ WiFi
2021-10-17 00:43:27
Ap's disconnected wont re connect
Hey everyone, Both my eap say disconnected, esp245 and eap225 no idea why, rebooted my router checked DHCP both show fine on there, the updated latest version of java accepted those ports no problem....
Forums/ WiFi
2021-02-08 03:29:30
Re:not showing channel on second ap?
controller software was not up to date seems to have fixed the concern. ty
Forums/ WiFi
2021-02-07 23:34:12
not showing channel on second ap?
I posted this in home networking also note sure if its best sutied here. Hey everyoneI have eap225 outdoor ap installed works great however i installed eap 245 it shows connceted but no channel?I...