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Forums/ Routers
2024-08-28 14:59:18
Re:LAN port isolation on ER707-M2
@JamesLu In the Firewall - Access Control section, create a policy that blocks the direction LAN_NEW->LAN_ORIGINAL where the source network is LAN_NEW and the destination network is...
Forums/ Routers
2023-01-09 12:36:14
Router TL-ER7206 v1 problemas con WOL Wake On Lan
Tengo un router TL-ER7206 v1 Firmware Version 1.2.3 Build 20221104 Rel.41500 Cuando configuro este router en modo Stand Alone (sin controlador omada) me permite utilizar WOL (Wake On Lan) sin...
Forums/ Routers
2023-01-09 12:06:16
Problemas DHCP TL-ER7206 1.2.3 Build 20221104 y TL-ER7212PC 1.0.1 Build 20221106 ARREGLADO
Llevo varias semanas con problemas de asignación DHCP en el router desde que lo actualicé a la versión 1.2.3 Describo aquí la configuración, las pruebas realizadas y la solución que he encontrado....
Forums/ Routers
2022-03-31 08:28:43
Re:Configurar IPSec Client-to-Lan
@CescRibe Me pasa lo mismo. De momento no consigo establecer IPSec client-lan para un android ni para windows. Y no te recomiendo utilizar OpenVPN con el propio router porque si lo configuras para...
Forums/ Controllers
2021-02-24 15:07:56
Re:Omada Controller oc200 / TL-R605 (DHCP and VLAN's problem)
@LCI2021 I have written to support and this is what they answer me: Thank you for contacting TP-Link technical support. The ER7206 and R605 use the same software mechanism, which means that...
Forums/ Controllers
2021-02-05 17:38:05
Re:Omada Controller oc200 / TL-R605 (DHCP and VLAN's problem)
@LCI2021 Unfortunately it doesn't work. I have reset both the TL-R605 and the EAP225 and configured again in DHCP without success. In the EAP I create two SSIDs. SSID1 without VLAN and works...