New EAP225 Wont Adopt - solved
I found this old thread (locked now):
I just received a brand new EAP and tried to adopt it to the oc200. I already have one EAP670 and one EAP653 next to omada switches.
I've tried everything and could not get the adoption to work, although the EAP worked in standalone mode and I could upgrade the firmware from the web interface of the EAP. After many reboots and resets I've noticed that in the EAPs web interface/maintenance (or settings)/Controller there is a hyperlink indicating which controller to be informed on the presence. I cannot post a picture anymore, since the EAP is now adopted :(.
The link contained and I've changed that to the IP of the controller: in my case and kept the rest of the syntax as it was (long string).
Then I moved once more to the controller interface and retried the adoption and it worked - this failed in my previous attempts like 10-15 times.