
Tapo C720 Wall mount with power cable from the side


Tapo C720 Wall mount with power cable from the side

Tapo C720 Wall mount with power cable from the side
Tapo C720 Wall mount with power cable from the side
3 weeks ago
Model: Tapo C720  
Hardware Version:
Firmware Version:

Both mounting options in the manual assume that the Tapo C720 is mounted exactly on top of the point where the power cable comes out of the wall. 
In my situation however the power cable comes from the side. 

as the tapo bracket does not have any gap or space to allow the power cable to go underneath the bracket, what should I do?

I could mount the bracket on the wall while leaving 5mm space for the power cable. Or I could cut out a small piece of the bracket through which I insert the cable. Both not ideal options:(dirt/moisture can come on ; dont like to break new stuff). 

do you have any suggestions?


Thanks in advance!


1 Reply
Re:Tapo C720 Wall mount with power cable from the side
a week ago - last edited a week ago

  @Verrips hi, maybe you can mount the camera on the top of the point where the power cable comes out of the wall, then rotate the angle of the camera and floodlight to monitor the area you want.
