Active POE and Passive POE Devices
Hi there, really hoping someone can help
I have a SG2005P-PD Outdoor switch which I can attach to an existing EAP225 Outdoor Access Point without any problems at all.
Today I tried to plug an EAP215 Bridge Kit (The main half) to the switch but I just couldn't get it to work. I'm guessing it probably has something to do with the fact that the Bridge Kit seems to be a Passive POE device and the SG200 switch is an Active Device. At least that's what I think the two devices are?
I didn't realise when I bought the EAP215 Bridge Kit that there would be any problem, especially not as the EAP225 works fine with the switch. I just assumed that the Bridge Kit would automatically connect, after all they are all TP Link and my other Access Point works just via an ethernet cable form the Switch. I'm a bit mystified as to why two bits of kit like that should be using a different method of power/connection.
Is there anything I can do to resolve the problem, short of running another POE cable from the house? I don't really want to run a new cable and use the Injector that came with the Bridge Kit as its an exceptionally long run and I'll need to go through some very thick stone wall to access it any nearer.
Is there something I can put between the Switch and the Bridge Kitthat will enable them to communicate?
thanks in advance