TP-Link ER8411 Dropping Packets
So here's is the Topology, basically ER8411 is being utilized as a Load Balancer and not as a Router.
The issue is that every 5 minutes a packet or two is getting dropped. I've pinpointed that it was the ER8411 that was causing the problem because I've tried pinging the gateway, Mikrotik, and individually checked all ISP. But when I connected to the ER8411 that's when I get packet drops.
ISP 1,2,3 is our Primary WAN and 4,5,6 as Backup so we are mostly just using the 1,2, and 3. Turned on the Load Balancing feauture, "Enable Bandwidth Based Balance Routing on port(s):" feauture on all ports, WAN, LAN Settings, and that's pretty much it. Almost a plug and play set up.
Hope anyone out there could help, thank you so much!