No traffic past switch
This is NOT a TL-SX1008 because they don't list my switch TL-SX3008F!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That aside, I am a nub to this level of networking so excuse any obvious issues with the configuration.
I am using a dedicate Beelink EQ12 running pfSense CE, 2.7.2-RELEASE (amd64) built on Fri Dec 8 20:55:00 UTC 2023 FreeBSD 14.0-CURRENT, connected to TL-SX3008F. The below diagram indicates that traffic doesn't route paste the swich and the other devices on the same network cannot ping the switch. Since all of the devices off the unmanged switch are on the same network (tp-sx3008f is statically assigned and the pfsense DHCP static assigned by mac) ICMP should work (no blocked on all devices on unmanaged switch).
I just can't figure out what I'm missing. No need for static routes because on the same network.
Thank you for any help.