Knowledge Base Omada SDN Wireguard NordVPN Config
What will you need to get the required information:
Linux box (I used Ubuntu 22 latest release)
There are many guides to do this. Just search how to install Nordlynx on Ubuntu.
1) Basically you need to install Nordlynx
2) Choose a server you want to connect to
3) Once connected you need the following
- sudo wg showconf nordlynx
- PrivateKey = 3xU.......rU=
- Endpoint = NordVPN Server you are connected to
- sudo wg show nordlynx
- public key = g8T.......Ya= (this is for verification)
- peer: cjJ......TS8=
- sudo ifconfig nordlynx
- inet x.x.x.x
With the above information obtained you can now go to your ER605 Router through the Omada Controller
1) Select your Site from your Global Page
2) Setting (Gear at the bottom left)
3) VPN => Wireguard
4) Under the Wireguard Heading click "+ Create New Wireguard"
name: wg0
listen port: 51820
Local IP: nordlynx interface IP (inet address from above)
Private-key: nordlynx private-key
5) Click Apply
***If the private key you entered is correct the public key the router generates will be the same as you got from "sudo wg show nordlynx" (public key)
6) Under the Peers Heading click "+ Create New Peer"
name: whatever you want
endpoint: NordVPN Server you are connecting to
enpoint: port: 51820
Addresses Allowed:
Public key: this is the peer you got from "sudo wg show nordlynx"
7) Click Apply
8) On the Far left side of the screen click on "Insights" (Lightbulb)
9) Click on the Wireguard tab
You should see traffic up and down
Note this config will push ALL traffic through the VPN
I haven't figured out how to just let a VLAN out on the Wireguard connection. It seems to be an all or nothing at this point.