ER605 v2 - how to get list of connected clients
I have a new installation of ER605 router. And I'm having issue with finding 'connected client list'. If client uses DHCP, than I can kind-of take the list from 'Network -> Lan -> DHCP Client List', however if client uses fixed IP (instead of dhcp) - he is not in the list. Plus DHCP client list shows all 'leased' entries, not necessary active connections.
Is there a way to get a currently active/connected client list? something like 'MAC Address - IP address - "client name/nickname" (so I can name my known devices) ?
It doesn't necessary need to be via gui, if there is some way of CLI or api call that would return such list, I would be happy with that as well.
If that's somehow not possible, perhaps there is a way to print ARP table? perhaps that could be a work-around ?
Thanks in advance,