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Forums/ Range Extenders
By JeremyFTW 2024-08-27 00:53:19

Computer connected via Ethernet to RE705x: Internet working, doesn't show up on router or tether

Hallo! I have my win11 computer connected to the RE705x via an ethernet cable. Internet and LAN networking connects fine. However, it does not show up either within Tether's 'access control' section o
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
By RustyWeber 2024-08-26 21:50:00

Networkds in Access Point mode should have a vlan option

When you put any of TP link's routers into "Access Point Mode" there is no mechanism to put a VLAN tag onto wireless connections coming from any particular wireless network. I need a wireless access p
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
By anaffl 2024-08-09 02:44:17

Network Security Key?

My work computer is asking for the network security key. I entered the 8 digit number beside Wireless Password/Pin. It says it is incorrect. What now?
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
By Cattycarolw 2024-08-09 15:19:46

Need to remove client

I just recently changed my home security system and no longer use/have my nest doorbell and camera. How do I remove them as clients out of my network/router. I don't see a way to uninstall or delete t
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
By Enkountor 2024-08-12 04:54:57

AX11000 Wireless Bridge

Long story short, the Ethernet port on my AX11000 got fried during a lightning event. I am wondering if there is a way I can essentially use this router as a range extender, instead of it sitting on t
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
By RalfK 2024-08-09 20:34:06

AXE75 (AXE5400) / RE315 no IoT WLAN via mesh, router only

Hello, I have an Archer AXE75 and two RE315 extenders. The extenders are connected to the AXE75 via WLAN, the mesh works in principle. I can also see via WifiInfoview that the SSIDs are being propagat