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Forums/ Tapo Smart Sensors
By Cuse165 Tuesday

Temperature is off

This is what I wish and feedback for Tapo products and apps. I have a Tapo sensor that reads temperature and humidity. It connects to a Tapo hub and I get all the information using the Tapo app. The r
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
By Cuse165 2024-05-11 03:42:56

Setup Info/Slow wifi speeds

I have a AT&T Gateway model BGW320-500 it is a modem and router in one for my Fiber Internet. I get 500Mbps speeds with it one WiFi and cable. I wanted to use a full router instead of the gateway. I s
Forums/ Apps
By Cuse165 2023-03-02 06:45:05

Tether Question

I have a question about the Tether App. When I open the App it lists all the devices on my network. Can I rename the devices to a more friendly name? I have a OneMesh adapter on my network and it show
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
By Cuse165 2021-04-26 04:56:04

Router Settings

I know what DoS Protection is but my question is. Should it be Enabled? The settings I don't know is what are ICMP-FLOOD Attack Filtering,UDP-FLOOD Attack Filtering and the TCP-SYN-FLOOD Attack Filter