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Forums/ Kasa Smart Switches
2024-12-16 21:20:57
Re:KS230 in a 4-way switch
@Johnny_Bravo Yup that's whats what I did. Have 2 smart switches non dimmers and the original 4 way. Works fine just doesn't dim.
Forums/ Kasa Smart Switches
2024-12-09 01:37:54
Re:KS230 in a 4-way switch
@4wayman I did the same. I wish dimmers would work.
Forums/ Feature Request
2024-12-09 00:59:25
Re:Re:Re:4 way switch
I have a 4 way setup and switched the two 3 ways to smart switches and they work fine and as expected. However I really wish I could use smart dimmers instead of just on / off switches. Wish there...