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Forums/ Tapo Smart Cameras
2 weeks ago
Re:Can my D225 Doorbell Camera be used with Security Camera Software via RTSP Stream?
@rudabb Here's a screen cap of my settings from within I-Spy Agent. Also you need to set up [Camera Account Information] under [Advanced Settings] on the Tapo App.
Forums/ Tapo Smart Cameras
2024-11-21 22:18:21
Re:Can my D225 Doorbell Camera be used with Security Camera Software via RTSP Stream?
@Meguinness1-_ Yes. On my Tapo D225 Doorbell camera running firmware V1.1.14, under Device Settings / Advanced Settings / Camera Account / Account Information, I have inputs for Username and...
Forums/ Tapo Smart Cameras
2024-11-11 15:41:48
Re:Can my D225 Doorbell Camera be used with Security Camera Software via RTSP Stream?
OP Here. I'm just following up to say that my camera TapoD225 Doorbell recently updated to firmware version 1.1.14 and I now have it fully working with ISPY agent. I tried Both RTSP and ONVIF video...
Forums/ Tapo Smart Cameras
2024-08-27 21:32:11
Re:Can my D225 Doorbell Camera be used with Security Camera Software via RTSP Stream?
@Riley_S That's great news, Thanks for Letting me know.
Forums/ Tapo Smart Cameras
2024-08-26 22:54:27
Re:Can my D225 Doorbell Camera be used with Security Camera Software via RTSP Stream?
I just saw in a different thread that RTSP Support for the TAPO D225 may be available in FIrmware Version V1.1.14. That would be great!! Everything about the D225 camera is better than my Lorex 4K...
Forums/ Tapo Smart Cameras
2024-08-26 22:28:24
Can my D225 Doorbell Camera be used with Security Camera Software via RTSP Stream?
Can I use My Tapo D225 Dorbell to stream video to 3rd party Security Software. For example My Tapo C320WS cameras can provide an RTSP Stream to Ispy Agent. Thanks for the help