Kasa Smart Plugs
2018-03-01 01:38:54
The behavior of shutting off and restarting when the switch is activated is usually a wiring problem - most often an incorrect neutral. The switch is losing power - which of course does not affect...
Kasa Smart Plugs
2018-02-18 00:52:32
You could turn on the exhaust fan for 15m every hour with a single rule using AutomationManager. You run it as a rule engine on a low end android device that you leave running all of the time (even...
Kasa Smart Plugs
2018-01-30 14:00:40
IFTTT will do it - use the email service as the "if" and the TP Link service as the "that". My app will also do it - you can send it an SMS and it will take action on the TP Link (or hue or wemo or...
Kasa Smart Plugs
2018-01-25 01:15:49
It could be a problem with the switch, but the first thing to check is that it's wired properly. If your intention is for the switch to be protected by the GFCI you need to be sure BOTH the line in...
Kasa Smart Plugs
2018-01-22 12:28:50
I'm not sure I follow your explanation, it sounds like what's expected. No internet will be available when you're connected to the HS110 during setup. The next step, after connecting your phone to...
Kasa Smart Plugs
2018-01-22 12:20:15
You need kasa to connect TP Link to your wifi and to setup schedules, but if you only want to turn the TP Link on or off from your tablet I've published an app on amazon called WemoHome that can be...