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Forums/ Tapo App & Integrations
Apple iOS Shortcuts - Get state of device
Hello, With iOS Shortcuts app you can set up shortcuts to, for example, “Turn On the Device”. This works, particularly nice being able to control TP-Link products with others in one shortcut. How can...
Forums/ Tapo Smart Cameras
2024-09-27 00:26:24
Re:Doorbell Video Call
@NovaWorld Same issue here. 4 devices ring. One answers, the other three having a sound contest ongoing! Quite irritating actually. Stefan
Forums/ Tapo App & Integrations
2023-09-18 20:22:27
Tapo App Feature / Temperature/Humidity sensor T315
Hello, Tapo App (pesently version 3.0.19) feedback. The rotation lock to having to use this app in portrait mode is rather irritating. It would also be nice having many more options of device icons....