Kasa Smart Plugs
2024-09-16 11:47:36
@Madcrow I have only 1 out of 4 that still works. The other 3 went into the circular file (trash bin). The one that works operates a light, a stereo and my Amazon echo. The ones that died operated...
Kasa Smart Plugs
2023-12-01 20:12:12
@Otrip No. It flashes several times per second (Like a machine gun), whether a light is plugged in or not, a lot faster than the pairing mode. There are 2 identical KASA smart plugs closer to the...
Kasa Smart Plugs
2023-12-01 14:23:06
@Otrip Yes that quickly, with no load attached, nothing plugged in. Has nothing to do with the wifi source which is within 8 feet. It starts flashing instantly as I plug the smart plug into any...
Kasa Smart Plugs
2023-11-22 15:40:18
Bought 4 EP10s on amazon in March of this year. a few weeks after using them, One randomly shuts off a few times a day, by itself, even after resetting it and re-adding it to my system. Another one...