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Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2023-11-17 04:36:48
Re:BE800 Wifi issues
@spacepirate13 Don't bother with purchasing an SFP module. At&t gateways has the authentication key baked into the unit. This is what I'm able to get over wifi using Samsung Fold 5 connected to the...
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2023-11-11 17:41:26
Re:ATT strict
@JBKB okay, you have 2 options. Ip pass-through if you would like to maintain the same ip on the Tplink router. Other option is to enable DMZ in the BGW-320. Choose whichever suits your needs. Next...
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2023-11-11 02:16:29
Re:ATT strict
@JBKB what is the model of your AT&T modem?
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2023-06-25 19:48:04
Re:BE900(US) Error when trying to downgrade from V1 1.1.1 to V1 1.0.3
@nunyabiziz Thank you to Kevin_Z and the technical support team from TP-Link with your assistance in providing a solution to my problem. Feedback for firmware 1.1.1, the 2.4G definitely got thumbs...
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2023-06-21 13:51:31
Re:BE900(US) Error when trying to downgrade from V1 1.1.1 to V1 1.0.3
@Kevin_Z I have completely replaced the BE800 with BE900.
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2023-06-21 04:06:46
Re:BE900(US) Error when trying to downgrade from V1 1.1.1 to V1 1.0.3
@nunyabiziz hello Kevin_Z The prior firmware wasn't rock solid stable but my 2.4g devices weren't consistently disconnecting from the network as it has on the latest. I have a little more than 100+...